Politics and Voting

Learn the history of voting, the differences between political parties, the roles and responsibilities of government positions and how to vote.

Course Summary

The Politics and Voting course will help students understand the history of voting, the differences between political parties, the roles and responsibilities of federal, state, and local government offices, and how to vote. Understanding how to objectively deal with political issues and hold elected officials responsible is critical to adulting.

The objectives of this course include the following: 

  • The 5 major political systems in the world and which system is prominent in the United States. 
  •  The characteristics of the 5 major political parties in the US 
  • Your rights and responsibilities as a citizen
  • The history of voting in the United States
  • The roles of the 3 branches of government and how they work together 
  • The roles of elected officials at the state and local levels 
  • The differences between primary, general, and special elections
  • How state, local and federal governments work together and what each group controls 
  • How to register to vote, find your polling place and check your voting status
  • How the electoral college works 
  • How to research candidates, monitor votes, and hold candidates accountable

Course Curriculum

Marquese Lewis

Marquese is a disabled Army Veteran, Wharton MBA, DOD Business Manager, Operations Officer for Inheritance AI, and former District Executive for Life Skills Programming in the Boy Scouts. She is also a mother, Avid Researcher, Businesswoman and Investor. Through her collective knowledge and experience she brings a wealth of information to help students enter and thrive in adulthood. 


Course Pricing

Understanding Voting and Politics

$27 USD

  • Learn about the political system, its processes and how to vote.

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