Shadow work is a process of performing in depth self-analysis to identify and understand your hidden morals, desires, beliefs, and the dark side of our personality. The idea of the shadow self was developed by Psychiatrist Carl Jung who was known for his work in Analytical Psychology. Jung philosophized that people tend to unconsciously repress and deny the aspects of their personality they do not like in favor of presenting a socially acceptable and favorable self, and that in order to truly have a fulfilling life, one must tackle, accept and conquer the aspects of themselves that lie hidden beneath the surface.
Jung's philosophy was met with critical acclaim and numerous rewards. However, very little literature has been developed to help individuals truly understand as well as conduct the work that is required to understand and conquer the shadow. This Shadow Work Guide will provide you with four critical methods designed to truly help you understand and align your shadow self so that you can have a truly fulfilling life.
The philosphy of Adultology is to teach you methods so that you can perform critical tasks yourself and this guide is no exception. The shadow work guide will help you to truly understand how to integrate your shadow so that you are not living in a space of unconscious self deception.
Our guide starts by helping you understand what exactly is meant by the shadow self and how to properly engage and integrate the shadow.
We then present four key shadow work methods and walk you through the process of implementation
Finally we provide shadow work journal prompts to help you get started on your shadow work journey.
It may be tempting to believe that you are not someone who has a shadow, and that the person you present to the world is who you truly are, but deep inside we all have have had thoughts or performed actions that do not align with who we say we are. The question you have to ask yourself is, are you ready to face that person? Are you ready for complete self-acceptance that will allow you to truly be yourself without fear or guilt?
Are your ready to conquer your shadow? If so, click below to purchase this inexpensive guide and work book so that you can begin the critical work of self-awareness and fulfillment.