Guide to Achieving Holistic Health: Your Top Questions Answered

Health is more than just exercise and a balanced diet. Health is a holistic combination of physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual health.

Before the COVID-19 Pandemic, the overall global population’s health was improving, including the global average Life Expectancy (LE) from 66.8 years in 2000 to 73.3 years in 2019, and Healthy Life Expectancy (HALE) from 58.3 years in 2000 to 63.7 years in 2019 (1). In 2019, LE and HALE for males reached 70.9 years and 62.5 years, respectively. For females, the equivalent figures are 75.9 years and 64.9 years, respectively. This is according to the most recent statistics released by the World Health Organization. 

With over two years in the pandemic, we have realized that illnesses are not just a threat to public health, but it also paves the way for more severe problems, including economic and mental health crises.

The pandemic not only provided a focus on COVID-19 but it also provided overall increased awareness of health. People began taking exercise more seriously and consuming vitamins and supplements to strengthen their immunity and being more mindful of what they eat. 

While establishing a good exercise routine, eating healthy food, and avoiding chronic diseases are all vital to increasing one's health, proper healthcare requires much more. 

We have to understand that health is not merely physical health, it is a combination of various factors that impact your holistically.

In this article, we cover the Frequently Asked Questions about holistic health. 

What is holistic health? 

Western Connecticut State University defines holistic health as an approach to life that considers multidimensional aspects of wellness. It encourages individuals to recognize the aspects of their entire being: physical, mental, emotional, social, intellectual, and spiritual.

In a holistic approach, an individual partakes in his physical well-being and wellness-oriented lifestyle choices and is actively engaged in the overall healing process. 

This is unlike the traditional scenario wherein a patient goes to the doctor, the doctor prescribes medicines, and waits for the patient to heal.

What are the aspects of holistic health? 

1. Physical Health

    This is what most people think about when they think of “health.” Among the aspects of health, physical fitness is the easiest to track and measure and is most often the easiest to tackle.

    How do we take care of our physical health?

    • Engage in a regular exercise routine. Physical activity aids in achieving physical fitness. Move your body intentionally for at least 30 minutes every day.

    • Maintain a balanced diet. It is alright to treat yourself occasionally but keep your blood sugar and cholesterol levels at bay by eating healthy balanced meals to complement the benefits of exercise.

    Sleep for 8 hours a day. This is easier said than done. But always remember that a well-rested body has higher chances of fighting off diseases and infections than a sleep-deprived body.

    2. Mental Health

      The taboo concerning mental health and psychological disorders is rapidly waning. People are gradually becoming more educated that maintaining a healthy mind is directly related to achieving a healthy body. Mental health refers to our daily mood, attitude, and cognitive functions.

      Keep your mental health in check by doing these simple suggestions.

      • Keep a gratitude journal. Never forget that happy people are not those people who have everything. They are the ones who are thankful for what they have. Every day, write down three things that you are grateful for.

      • Know how to set realistic goals properly. Sometimes, everyday tasks get a little more overwhelming. Make sure you create plans that complement your work and learning style.

      • When everything else fails, seek help. Therapists and psychologists help professionals dedicated to helping combat mental disorders through psychotherapy and prescriptions. Go to your nearest service provider to seek help.

      3. Social Health

        Yes! Believe it or not, your social well-being is also a key determinant of health. Research shows that the happiest people on earth have close and intimate relationships with their family, friends, and other social groups.

        Support your social health with a few tips.

        • Watch your social media usage. Social media is more than just an avenue for sharing photos and life updates in the digital age. Anxiety and depression can sometimes stem from excessive use of social media.

        • Set boundaries. No, you are not isolating yourself when you set personal boundaries. On the contrary, you support your social wellness by doing this. You have the power to walk away from relationships and friendships that you find toxic.

        Stay connected. Reach out to family and friends who can provide you with social support.

        4. Spiritual Health

          Spiritual wellness does not necessarily mean that you need to become religious, although the two often have overlapping practices and principles. Moreover, your spiritual well-being should focus on how you are connecting with your inner soul and the more incredible world around you.

          Here are some spiritual wellness activities that you can practice.

          • Spend a day in nature. You don’t need to trek or hike a mountain. Sitting by the trees while reading a good book or doing something you love could help you feel relaxed.

          • Meditate. While spending your day in nature or listening to relaxing music, you can do this while diffusing essential oils for grounding.

          • If you belong to a religious group, actively participate in the activities. Sometimes, this goes beyond praying. It also involves enhancing your social skills.

          5. Emotional Health

            Emotional well-being is most often overlooked. This world frequently encourages us to be strong, almost feeling like our emotional wellness should be set aside. But being emotionally healthy is just as important as being physically fit.

            Here are some emotional health activities to get you by.

            • Practice mindfulness. This emotional self-care can help you deal with your daily stressors.

            • Have a healthy self-care routine. It is crucial to keep your cup full and overflowing by pampering yourself once in a while.

            • Manage your stress appropriately. A moderate amount of stress can be helpful. But when anxiety gets a little too much, list down activities that you find soothing and enjoyable so that you can resort to those.

            Does mental, emotional, social, and spiritual health affect physical health?

            Definitely! Mental, emotional, social, and spiritual health go hand in hand. If one goes off-balance, the other four may suffer. So it is always best to keep yourself well-balanced in all aspects of health.

            Is wellness just an overwhelming goal, or is it doable?

            Holistic health is not Nirvana, as the Buddhists call it. We have to take a well-rounded health journey while enjoying our lives and doing the things we love, even as we age.

            How can I dive deeper and learn how to properly maintain all 6 aspects of my health?

            The Adultology course on Understanding and Managing Your Health covers all of these topics and more. Get instant access and learn how to properly maintain a healthy body, mind, and soul.

              Categories: : Understanding and Managing Your Health