Financial Planning and Investing

Learn about inflation, compound interest, building and managing credit, loans and amortization, budgeting, insurance, investing, and doing taxes.

Course Summary

Personal finance is a part of our every day lives and for most people it will be a key determining factor in our long-term livelihood. Understanding your personal finances is a pre-requisite for all other future financial decisions including buying a car, getting a home, or maintaining a long-term career. This course is designed to offer a deeper comprehension of your own financial situation while also helping you to prepare for future financial goals. 

The objectives of this course include the following:

  • How to assess your finances by developing a personal financial statement 
  •  The different types of budgets available and how to create a budget 
  •  How to use key tools and apps to monitor your finances  
  • How 'money' was created and its history  
  • How World Currencies work together and why the US Dollar is the reserve currency  
  • The differences between inflation and deflation and how inflation has changed over time and based upon industries 
  • How banking works and how to choose a bank  
  • How to write a check  
  • How to set up and manage checking, savings, money market, and CD accounts and the uses for each type of account
  • How interest rates are determined by the FED and how they impact the saving and borrowing 
  •  What credit is, how to afford it and factors which affect the cost of credit   
  • What credit scores are and how agencies evaluate your credit worthiness 
  • The differences between good and bad debt
  • The different types of loan categories, how loans work and are amortized 
  •  How to get a loan and what to look for The 4 different investing methods  
  • How to understand risk basis when investing  Differences between stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and ETFs  
  • Types of investment accounts and how to use a stock brokerage  
  • How to develop an investment strategy based upon risk tolerance, goals and timelines, funds available, and your age  
  • Types of insurance by asset covered and how insurance works  
  • Types of life insurance and differences between term and permanent 
  • How taxes work and the types of taxes are taken from your income  
  • What a marginal tax rate is and how to calculate your income tax liability  
  • How to determine your tax withholding allowance 

Course Curriculum

Marquese Lewis

Marquese is a disabled Army Veteran, Wharton MBA, DOD Business Manager, Operations Officer for Inheritance AI, and former District Executive for Life Skills Programming in the Boy Scouts. She is also a mother, Avid Researcher, Businesswoman and Investor. Through her collective knowledge and experience she brings a wealth of information to help students enter and thrive in adulthood. 



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Financial Planning

This course does a great job breaking down EVERYTHING you need to know about financial planning and investing. Anything that you've ever been curious or confused about in regards to finances is very well explained in this course.

3 years ago